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The brotherhood where the

seekers adventurers solvers philosophers successful reside.

Adventure. Knowledge. Development.

What We're About

Goldbjerg Adventure Series

Our concierge Adventure Series trips include member-only escapes to off-the-beaten-path, once-in-a-lifetime, and one-of-a-kind adventures designed to challenge and grow you as an individual. If surfing camps or adventure motorcycling scare you, if helicopter hunting or exploring for lost cities in the Amazon don’t excite you, you might not want to join our adventure series. Goldbjerg Adventure Series takes a certain type of individual to enjoy and is not something you’ll find in travel brochures.

Goldbjerg Knowledge Series

Where we assemble the best minds to discuss that which is not being discussed. Our roundtables are designed for the knowledge seekers and idea collectors. From anti-aging science to financial tax strategies, and meditative practices to think tank initiatives, we hold open forums to advance our understanding of the world we live and operate in.

Goldbjerg Development Series

Ultimately, Goldbjerg was designed for individual personal development. To provide the community, the accountability, and the tools to make us better men. In a time when the world needs strong men and in a world where the stakes are high for high achievers, you are not alone. We believe in achievement through becoming our best selves.

What's in a name?


The reward for climbing the mountain

We are meant for challenges and by overcoming these challenges, by climbing the mountain, there is a reward waiting for us with every ascent.


Danish name for mountain

For those of us who have stood at the summit, there is one thing clear; beyond each challenge in life lies countless other challenges as far as the eye can see. Then let us be built for the climb.

Goldbjerg Mission

To provide a community for highly successful mindsets to congregate, share ideas, network, travel, and grow together. We all understand that we are a product of the 5 people we spend the most time with, so let’s surround ourselves with like-minded individuals who are committed to making the best out of their journey in life.